OLIVIE CURRENT HEALTH: Taking statins and diuretics would increase the risk of having diabetes
Taking statins and diuretics would increase the risk of having diabetes
According to a study of people with glucose intolerance, taking statins and diuretics would increase the risk of developing diabetes.
Statins, diuretics and beta blockers may be prescribed in people at risk for cardiovascular disease and those who are intolerant to glucose. But according to a study conducted by researchers from several countries (United States, Australia, Switzerland, Canada, Russia, China, France ...) this can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. For 5 years, scientists studied patients with cardiovascular risk and glucose intolerance. Among them, 915 patients taking beta blockers, 1316 with diuretic therapy, 1353 taking statins and 171 with calcium channel blockers.
Results? People who took diuretics saw their risk of developing diabetes increase by 23%. As for the consumers of statins, their risk was 32%. No risk of diabetes for beta-blockers and calcium channels. A study that adds to the debate that taking statins would cause dangerous side effects.
Source: Role of diuretics, beta blockers, and statins in increasing the risk of diabetes in patients with impaired glucose tolerance: reanalysis of data from the NAVIGATOR study, BMJ... December 9, 2013.
OLIVIE PLUS 30X is an extra virgin olive oil exceptionally rich in polyphenols naturally, they are molecules with multiple health benefits among others the prevention of diabetes and the fight against this disease.
Order online at www.oliviehealth.us
6 magic anti-diabetes foods
Some well-known diabetic foods can also help you control your blood sugar and protect your heart.
And if your first good resolution of the summer was to eat better to protect your health?
Garlic: the best friend of your heart
A small clove of garlic minced in the salad, another added in the pan where your steak is cooked or in your mashed potato: in small doses, the garlic will have little effect on your breath (especially if you think of removing the germ that is inside, difficult to digest) but will have great effects on your health. Garlic is indeed a great protector of diabetics (its main assets help the liver regulate excess sugar in the blood) but also the heart because it thins the blood.
Olive oil: rich in antioxidants
A diet rich in olive oil is not only a good alternative to the treatment of diabetes mellitus but can also prevent or delay the onset of the disease, avoiding insulin resistance and its possible consequences, by increasing cholesterol high density lipoproteins (good HDL cholesterol), lowering triglycerides and allowing better control of blood glucose and a decrease in blood pressure. We strongly advise you to take OLIVIE PLUS 30X, a renowned endocrinologist who endorses its virtues in diabetes prevention.
Order online at www.oliviehealth.us
Spinach: Sprinkled with olive oil, you will have a delicious dish of antioxidants naturally! ^^
They are often cited as the champions of iron wealth, but spinach is especially rich in alpha lipoic acid, a powerful antioxidant that influences the rate at which blood sugar is burned.
In addition, spinach stimulates the regeneration of nerve fibers and protects the eyes and heart.
Avocado: anti-diabetes and anti-cholesterol
One often tends to neglect the lawyer who drags the reputation of fruit "too caloric". Yet, the lawyer has exceptional nutritional benefits. Extremely rich in soluble fiber, this makes it a fruit anti-diabetes, anti-cholesterol and appetite suppressant. Rich in antioxidant tannins, it is also a good protector of your heart.
Oats: the best breakfast
Have a real good breakfast in the morning, and do not just a coffee swallowed in a hurry ... Even change your habits, why not trade your slices of bread for a bowl of oatmeal milk and cinnamon? Oats are extra rich in soluble fiber (so appetite suppressant, anti-diabetes and anti-cholesterol) and contains trigonellin, a component that helps your body better regulate its sugar level.
Lemon: to reduce the blood sugar level
Did you know that by watering your salads or fish with lemon fillet, you reduce the glycemic index of your meals. By significantly reducing blood sugar levels, lemon helps you avoid cravings and weight gain. In addition, as it is an excellent flavor enhancer, it also allows you to have the light hand side sauce!
OLIVIE PLUS 30X is a 100% NATURAL extra virgin olive oil that is exceptionally rich in antioxidants that are effective against diabetes and prevent many other diseases*.
As a matter of fact, OLIVIE PLUS 30X and OLIVIE FORCE/RICH have a clinically proven track record of lowering diabetes!* Specifically, OLIVIE FORCE/RICH gave excellent results for diabetic patients .
Source: Supplementation with Rich-Polyphenols Olive Tree Powder Improves Fasting Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A 14-Weeks Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.
Published at the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064 Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296
The dosage is :
OLIVIE PLUS 30X : 2 tablespoons a day
Can also be mixed with fruit juice or soaked in bread if the patient thinks the oil is bitter.
OLIVIE FORCE/RICH: 2 capsules after dinner.
(the 2 products taken in parallel)
Order online at www.oliviehealth.us
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.