OLIVIE HEALTH NEWS: A new study highlights the benefits of olive oil for protecting your heart.
A new study highlights the benefits of olive oil for protecting your heart.
As explained by Dr. Philippe Tellier (International Journal of Medicine), "In Spain, cardiovascular risk factors continue to gain ground. However, the frequency of cardiovascular disease has not increased proportionately, unlike other industrialized countries. To understand the reason for this phase-shift deserved a large-scale study. "
A team from the University of Navarre got involved. Some five thousand adults, representing the Spanish population, have been recruited from around 100 health centers throughout the country. A whole series of parameters were analyzed: weight, height, body mass index (BMI), waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, blood sugar (blood sugar) ...
The result shows that those who usually include olive oil in their diet display much more favorable parameters for at least three criteria: obesity, glycoregulation (the regulation of blood glucose) and the rate of good (HDL) cholesterol.
Dr. Tellier comments: "This study is a plea for the consumption of olive oil, with a favorable effect on various factors that contribute to cardiometabolic risk and expose to cardiovascular diseases. The benefit is especially clear in sedentary, overweight or diabetic patients.
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition (www.nature.com/ejcn/index.html
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