OLIVIE TIPS: 3 secrets to stay ZEN in all circumstances!
OLIVIE TIPS: 3 secrets to stay ZEN in all circumstances!
A word too much, a criticism and you're stung. Hypersensitive, would not we be so susceptible? Learn to react calmly and constructively rather than upset.
Control your emotions
Do not get overwhelmed, this is the first challenge. To succeed in listening to what the other has to say, it is important to control your emotions. Breathing can help you there.
It is a good technique that has been proven in stress management. Just inhale slowly, but deeply, inflating the belly, then expire on the way home. It allows to quickly find his calm. The calm found, you can then focus on what is expressed (criticism, like the rest ...).
Take a step back
Second challenge: do not react to a quarter turn. If you do not manage to argue, the best is to take the distance, the time to welcome the criticism: "I listened well to your words, I will think about it and we will talk about it later." A distancing useful not to say anything under the influence of anger (the decline comes with time). This allows you to see the conversation from another angle, and to "hear criticism". In the event of a blockage, do not hesitate to ask for the help of an unaffected relative who will be more impartial than you.
Learn to love yourself
We are often susceptible because we lack self-esteem. The slightest reflection is perceived as a lack of love on the part of others. It is then necessary to be able to learn or relearn to estimate oneself. Why not start with a list of your qualities? We quickly realize that there are ... This established, you will more easily accept the reflections, even unpleasant, of others.
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