Arthritis: Causes and remedies!
Do you suffer from arthritis!
All about this disease, Causes and remedies!
When you suffer from arthritis, one or more joints in your body are painful, swollen, inflamed. Every gesture makes you suffer, and farewell ball games, dance, tennis. As for judo and karate this is of course not even worth thinking about!
Some patients can not go up or down stairs. Others are totally immobilized. In short, there is urgency, and that is why patients have long turned massively to anti-inflammatory drugs, cortisone and chemical painkillers (painkillers).
These drugs work, at first. Miracle, you can again open a jar of jam, crack nuts, garden! You rediscover the pleasures of life for several months, maybe even a few years.
Unfortunately, you are right to ask the question. Arthritis is caused by inflammation of the cartilage, the cushions that protect the ends of your bones and allow them to flex against each other. In case of osteoarthritis, inflammatory agents in your joints destroy the cartilage, which cracks, cracks, and can disappear completely, leaving your bones bare. When you move, the tips of your bones rub directly against each other, which hurts and further aggravates the inflammation, and therefore the swelling of your joints.
Current medications, including newer ones, just block the pain. They have no effect on the cartilage, which continues to degrade.
That's why they are effective in the short term. In the long run, their effectiveness decreases until it becomes non-existent when all your cartilage has disappeared. And you only have side effects, which can be serious.
But the good news and the recent scientific research shows that natural medicine has very interesting solutions to offer you against osteoarthritis.
Omega 3 and 6 are very important because they are (good) sources of prostaglandins that fight inflammation and promote the regeneration of damaged tissues. They are found in olive, nut and rapeseed oils as well as fish oils.
OLIVIE PLUS 30X and OLIVIE FORCE/RICH have a proven track record of relieving osteoarthritis pain and even more flexibility in the joints! OLIVIE FORCE/RICH gave excellent results for arthritis patients, it has been clinically proven by a study that involved 80 patients during 8 weeks, double blind and placebo controlled! The results were amazing.
Dosage of OLIVIE PLUS 30X: 2 tablespoons a day (morning and evening) + Cutaneous application by massaging the painful part (Cover with a warm towel if possible)
If the patient has moderate pain, take 2 capsules after breakfast and 2 capsules after dinner for 3 weeks. The patient will feel less pain after only 1 week.
If the patient has a sudden severe pain at a certain time of the day: use the "commando" method, which means that the patient can take up to 6 capsules of OLIVIE FORCE/RICH in one go. The patient will feel less pain within an hour. Since it is an organic product and 100% natural, there are no side effects.
Good news for sufferers who are fed up with taking cortisone and other chemical anti-inflammatories!
OLIVIE advise: If you have problems of overweight, it is necessary to follow a diet adapted to your case not to aggravate the disease and to have atrocious pains.
Order online at www.oliviehealth.us