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Article: Diabetes: what can we really eat ?*

Diabetes: what can we really eat ?*

Diabetes: what can we really eat ?*

Diabetes: what can we really eat ?*

The antidiabetic diet is not a drastic diet. It is often enough to know the virtues on blood glucose of certain foods. True / False to make no mistake.

Never sugar!


Certainly, the control of sugar intake is necessary to balance his diabetes, but carbohydrates are essential to the body (they provide him with energy). If it is imperative to limit the fast sugars such as sweets or white sugar that cause the blood sugar to skyrocket, those of the fruits are recommended for example. As for slow (low glycemic index) carbohydrates brought by bread, pasta or whole rice, they are essential for the proper functioning of the brain and the body, and make it possible to avoid hyperglycemias (their digestion is long, it is why they are gradually passing through the blood).

Some fats are beneficial


It is true that in excess or poorly chosen, fats increase insulin resistance, and are strongly discouraged for diabetics whose risk of cardiovascular complications (dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis) are particularly high. It is true that it is necessary to avoid the saturated fats which abound the products of animal origin (butter, fresh cream, red meats ...) or industrial (Viennese pastries, biscuits, prepared dishes, frozen, sausages, crisps ...). But, there are also beneficial fats. Yes, yes, it exists! This is the case of unsaturated lipids such as vegetable oils (olive oil for example) and present in oleaginous fruits or in oily fish (sardines, tuna, salmon, mackerel ...).

We can abuse vegetables


When one is diabetic, the first rule is to go green! Tip number one: abuse vegetables that contain little carbohydrate (5% on average), but have the advantage of satiating thanks to their wealth of water and fiber. Tip number two: do not miss out on fresh fruit. They are full of antioxidants and provide moderate sugars (fructose, glucose, sucrose, sorbitol). So many special carbohydrates that gradually pass through the blood and limit the rise in blood sugar (they say they have a low glycemic index). Note: apple, orange or plum, very long to digest are particularly indicated, unlike bananas, grapes, or cherries.

You have to eat meat!


Protein helps control weight, which is an asset for the diabetic (overweight promotes complications). They also help to balance the blood sugar, that is to say to limit its fluctuations. But animal proteins are not as interesting as they seem! In eggs or meat, they are often accompanied by hidden fats harmful to health. Only those coming from cereal products (oats, wheat, maize, rice ...), legumes (coconut, beans, soya ...), oilseeds (almonds, walnuts, pistachios ...) or even some seeds (flax, anise, sunflower ...) lower blood sugar after meals ...

Always fiber, even at breakfast!


Fiber is present in fruits and vegetables, but also in whole grains (unrefined) and in pulses. They are essential for diabetics because they play an important role in the glycemic balance. They increase the sensitivity to insulin (which limits the blood sugar concentration) and slow the absorption of fast carbohydrates by the intestine (they are not digested). Another advantage: they improve the lipid profile and protect the heart, more fragile when you have diabetes. They are therefore recommended for every meal, including breakfast!

Salt does not affect


It has been known for years that it promotes hypertension, itself a factor in many complications when you have diabetes ... It is now known that salt also predisposes to glucose problems. Better to have a light hand on the salt shaker that is pre-diabetic or diabetic proven type 1, 2 or gestational. It is also better to know how to find the hidden sodium. Cheeses, but also sausages, sodas, bread, corn flakes and most industrial products contain a very large quantity.

Magnesium is recommended


We do not eat enough, and yet magnesium helps prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes. Better still, they could help maintain blood sugar balance since a micronutrient deficiency increases resistance to diabetes. insulin (hormone that controls the amount of sugar in the blood). Of course, it is found in chocolate, but it is often both fat and sweet. It is best to buy it from whole grains, some legumes (eg white beans) or mineral water.

Vegetables + salads = benefits


We must think about mixing as often as possible, green vegetables and so-called legumes (beans, white beans, lentils, chickpeas ...). These very special carbohydrates, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals, contain proteins. Unlike those provided by meat or eggs, theirs are beneficial to the glycemic balance. Their association with green vegetables is therefore ideal. It limits the carbohydrate intake of the dishes (fiber and carbohydrates prevent the peak blood sugar) while ensuring good satiety and contributions of minerals, vitamins and trace elements, interesting for health!

OLIVIE PLUS 30X is a 100% NATURAL extra virgin olive oil that is exceptionally rich in antioxidants that are effective against diabetes and prevent many other diseases*.

As a matter of fact, OLIVIE PLUS 30X and OLIVIE FORCE/RICH have a clinically proven track record of lowering diabetes!* Specifically, OLIVIE FORCE/RICH gave excellent results for diabetic patients .

Source: Supplementation with Rich-Polyphenols Olive Tree Powder Improves Fasting Blood Glucose and Insulin Resistance in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A 14-Weeks Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial.

Published at the International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR) ISSN (Online): 2319-7064Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 | Impact Factor (2017): 7.296

The dosage is :
2 tablespoons a day
Can also be mixed with fruit juice or soaked in bread if the patient thinks the oil is bitter.
OLIVIE FORCE/RICH: 2 capsules after dinner.
(the 2 products taken in parallel)

Order online at

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.



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