Olive oil in pregnancy and early childhood
Olive oil in pregnancy and early childhood
Olive oil and pregnancy
Olive oil plays a fundamental role for the fetus during the gestation period.
According to the information available, the children of mothers who have consumed olive oil during their pregnancy have better postnatal development, in terms of height, weight, behavior and the acquisition of psychomotor reflexes. .
Vitamin E is necessary for the growth of the fetus but also of the newborn who, at the time of the first contact with oxygen, is obliged to fight against the oxidative stress caused by this new situation. For that, it needs reserves of vitamin E, substance which is not found in abundant amounts in the olive oil but which is maintained in a state of adequate concentration thanks to the resistance of the oil to the oxidation.
Thus, the quantity and quality of the diet followed during pregnancy plays an essential role in the metabolic adaptations that occur in the mother and in her functional relationship with the fetus.
Olive oil and breastfeeding
Vitamin E that is present in the blood of the pregnant woman concentrates during delivery in the mammary gland, allowing the mother to continue to bring this vitamin to her baby during breastfeeding. Maintaining this vitamin's levels during breastfeeding is fundamental.
Similarly, the use of olive oil is recommended in premature infants and newborns with biliary or pancreatic insufficiency, because of its favorable effect on the hepatobiliary system.
Olive oil provides not only a sufficient amount of essential fatty acids for the development of the newborn but also a ratio of linoleic acid / linolenic acid (the two essential fatty acids) similar to that of breast milk.
In addition to evidence of its effectiveness in preventing hypercholesterolemia and atherosclerosis, a process that can begin in childhood, oleic acid appears to have a positive effect on growth during this period, in mineralization and the development of bones.
Dietary requirements
During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is recommended to consume a larger amount of monounsaturated fats, and to reduce saturated fats and cholesterol as much as possible, by adhering to general dietary standards and controlling the amount of ingested calories, to avoid excessive weight gain.
The dietary requirements of children under three are not the same as those of older people. During the breastfeeding period, 40% of the energy consumed comes from fats: those contained in breast milk and others. It is recommended to continue to follow this food model to ensure that energy and nutritional intake covers the necessities of development.
OLIVIE BABY KIDS is an extra virgin olive oil specially adapted for babies and children. Developed to adapt to young palates, it has a high content of essential fatty acids that are necessary for the nutritional needs of infants and children. It has the same ratio of OMEGA 3 and OMEGA 6 as present in breast milk, which promotes bone growth.
Order online at www.oliviehealth.us