OLIVIE BABY/KIDS Tips :Giving cow's milk would hinder future sociability.
Giving cow's milk would hinder future sociability.
Babies fed in their first year of age with cow's milk may suffer from problems of sociability and language, warns a new study.
Does cow's milk harm baby's development? The debate is launched after the publication of a study on the subject in the journal Journal International of Medicine. It is accepted that cow's milk should not be included in infant feeding until one year of age. So far the reasons given concerned the risk of overweight and digestive disorders related to the high protein content of this food. Not to mention the risk of iron deficiency that can lead to anemia and disrupt the child's good psychomotor development.
A new publication warns of a lesser known danger of cow's milk in infants under the age of one year old. Indianapolis researchers in the United States believe that it could harm the child's language and social skills later on.
To arrive at this conclusion, the authors of the study distributed questionnaires to the parents of 7110 babies present in medical consultation centers. They were asked to provide socio-economic data as well as information on the health and nutrition of the young. At the same time, the development of the baby was taken into account on the basis of certain parameters: social and adaptive behavior, language, sociability, motor skills.
From their observations, the authors conclude: "In early drinkers of cow's milk, the rate of defects acquisition was significantly increased with regard to sociabilisation and, in the case of iron-deficient diet, this increase was notable for the socialization and for language. "
If these results remain to be confirmed by other works, they reinforce the conviction that nothing can replace breast milk or high-quality infant formula before the age of one.
For moms having constraints to breastfeed their child, they can add OLIVIE BABY/KIDS to the baby's milk bottle or to the soup.
OLIVIE BABY / KIDS is an organic certified extra virgin olive oil for babies and children, it contains a ratio of omega 3 and 6 neighboring to the one of the breast milk. This promotes good growth and prevents many diseases such as colic and constipation caused by formula industrial milk.
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