OLIVIE Healthy News : 15 minutes test to spot the first signs of Alzheimer's.
- OLIVIE Healthy News –
15 minutes test to spot the first signs of Alzheimer's.
American researchers have developed a home-based questionnaire that would highlight the first signs of memory loss.
And if 5 small questions could detect the first signs of Alzheimer's disease? Researchers at the University of Ohio in the United States have just developed a short questionnaire to this effect. Older people in good health will be able to answer them before bringing their result to their doctor who will thus be able to follow the evolution of their mental attributes.
These questions include a simple request for the date of a specific event or the calculation of the currency to be recovered when shopping at the supermarket, the levels of the questions are spread out. Patients must even explain how they think a corkscrew and a hammer look alike.
- Same results as classical diagnostic tests -
In order to test the effectiveness of their questionnaire, US researchers sent it to more than 1,000 people aged 50 and over. The results indicated that 28% had a slight loss of mental function. Standard diagnostic tests for Alzheimer's disease came to the same conclusions on the same group. For the authors of the study, it could thus make it possible to notice the first symptoms of the pathology earlier and to start an earlier treatment.
But this test is already debating. Dr. Simon Ridley, a member of Alzheimer's Research UK, told the DailyMail that "the test is not designed to diagnose dementia." People who are worried about their memory should seek the advice of a doctor rather than attempting a self-diagnosis through a test at home. "
What do you think ? This test is effective or not ?
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