
Alzheimer's disease: Extra Virgin Olive Oil protect from dementia
Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) seems to be effective in combating cognitive decline and Alzheimer's disease. Extra virgin olive oil, a major element of the Mediterranean diet, would protect cogniti...
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Our tip to stay fit and healthy without weight gain!
Our tip to stay fit and healthy without weight gain! Speed up your weight loss by eating as much as you want: A diet of meat and vegetables is advisable if your main goal is to lose weight. Since...
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The polyphenols and omega 3 real treasures health!!
The polyphenols and omega 3 real treasures health!! The work of Dr. Jean-Marie Bourre, a member of the French Academy of Medicine, speaks volumes about the essential role played by omega-3s on heal...
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OLIVIE TIPS: Boost the capacity of your brain Naturally!
OLIVIE TIPS: Boost the capacity of your brain Naturally! The brain has unimaginable abilities! And we are very far from exploiting them 100%. Here are some tips to adopt daily to boost your brainpo...
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OLIVIE HEALTH NEWS: How the voice can reveal Parkinson?!
OLIVIE HEALTH NEWS: How the voice can reveal Parkinson?! Cold, tiredness, sadness ... Through the voice, we can guess a lot about the state of health of a person. Today, specialists are developing...
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Do not stress, for fear of dying!
Do not stress, for fear of dying! Stress not only affects one's mood and mental health, but can also affect one's physical health and cause serious illness; especially problems of the heart. Stress...
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Being nice is good for your health?
Being nice is good for your health? Stress reduction or brain transformation: The benefits of kindness could be the secret of happy and healthy people. To help a neighbor, to visit a sick parent, t...
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Good to know! Foods to avoid to reduce the risk of heart disease.
Good to know! Foods to avoid to reduce the risk of heart disease. By avoiding certain foods that promote high blood pressure, excess cholesterol ... you can reduce your chances of having a stroke "...
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OLIVIE HEALTH NEWS: A close link between energy drinks and heart risks!
OLIVIE HEALTH NEWS: A close link between energy drinks and heart risks! Researchers conducted a revealing test of 18 healthy volunteers. Warnings about heart risks associated with alcoholic beverag...
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OLIVIE TIPS: 3 secrets to stay ZEN in all circumstances!
OLIVIE TIPS: 3 secrets to stay ZEN in all circumstances! A word too much, a criticism and you're stung. Hypersensitive, would not we be so susceptible? Learn to react calmly and constructively rath...
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